Friday, July 22, 2005

Tourists in Vancouver

For the next two weeks, I am officially on holidays from work. I used to LOVE holidays, but with two kids, one of whom operates at two speeds - sleep and run - I might actually go into work for a day or two to have some holidays from home. I honestly think that my job is easier than parenting (on most days). I can have a coffee break and actually drink coffee when it is HOT. I have lunch and don't have to share any of it with anyone, or worry about greasy hands getting me all dirty (although, I must admit, they are awfully cute greasy hands).

So today I picked probably the most touristy thing to do in Vancouver - and that is go to Stanley Park and the aquarium. I knew it was a BAD idea when I got there and had to park miles away...duh....middle of the summer, Friday afternoon, beautiful sunny day, what the HELL was I thinking? So I decided that we would go through the aquarium quickly, and then find the most non-touristy spot (yeah, right) to have a picnic. Luckily the kids were quite co-operative, I think they inherited my aversion to crowds (should be interesting to see how we do if we ever visit CHINA) and we blitzed through the aquarium quite fast. The boys loved this little fella.

After that, we took a walk around the seawall and had a picnic - I am sure we could have sat there for hours watching float planes take off and land and listening to Ethan's commentary on all the people jogging by ("mommy, that man has NO SHIRT on" and "mommy, that man has breasts").

Maybe I will survive two weeks at home without gouging my eyes out....

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