Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Love Thursday

There are a million reasons I love this picture. The hair sticking up (anyone rememeber "our gang" with alfalfa, buckwheat and spanky?). The lone "puff ball" just waiting for Nicholas to blow the little seeds everywhere. The baggy saggy pants. The fact that he was in such a rotten mood when I snapped this, but you'd never know.

Happy Love Thursday! Visit Shutter Sisters for more amazing pictures by many talented photographers.


Montserrat said...

Don't you just love getting those dandelion bouquets?

Came over from shuttersisters.

Anonymous said...

THIS? is precious. (I had to pick EVERY white fluffy dandelion we saw on a walk yesterday! Ah, childhood.)

Happy Love Thursday!

rachel said...

Saw your post on Shutter Sisters - this picture is priceless! Happy Love Thursday.

Janet said...

Did the flowers help his mood? It really is a lovely shot :-)

bonggamom said...

That could almost be my son! His hair sticks up like that and he loves to pick dandelions. Gorgeous photo...

Anonymous said...

Aww. I love this shot.

Ursula said...

I love the saggy baggy pants-that's my boy to a T!

Happy LT!