Saturday, November 26, 2005

This past week has been a bit of a roller coaster. Work is nuts. Kids are nuts. Online courses with assignments and tests are not getting done. Oh, and Ethan's preschool teacher has left. So he has no more preschool for now, until they find someone else.

I have mentioned in past posts that Ethan is in a parent participation preschool. And along with all the good touchy feely holding hands singing kumbaya stuff comes the nasty awful side of parents too. I had struggles with Ethan's teacher - I wasn't overly impressed, but having said that, he really liked her and he loved pre-school. I thought about changing schools at one point, but a very good friend of mine who is a teacher told me that in his school life I will come across many teachers who I will not like, and am I going to set a precident by pulling him out of preschool just because I don't think the teacher is awesome? Good point. Very good point.

So I just sucked it up, and kept quiet (except of course to my non-preschool friends who I am sure wished I would shut up about it!). Until last week when I was chatting with another mom and found out that lo and behold, I am in fact NOT the only one who is not impressed. The preschool Ethan is in has two classes - 3 year olds and 4 year olds. The mom's of the three year olds for the most part weren't overly impressed, but we chatted about the situation and pretty much thought, as a group, that the thing to do would be just work it out for the rest of the year (till June), and then re-evaluate what to do over the summer. The kids were having fun, and getting pretty much all they needed. The four year old class was a whole different ball game - and just today I found out that a number of those families have pulled their kids out. And now those of us who have made the comittment to finish out the year are left holding the bag, and the keys to a school we can't open until we form a whole new executive and hire a new teacher. Over the Christmas holidays. Good freaking luck.

What the hell happened to playing nice in the sandbox? I am cringing at the next 18 years of school if I have to put up with all this stuff hitting the fan now....


Anonymous said...

Been there, done that recently Anna! At least it wasn't the director that left and just the aide. Hopefully you'll be able to find someone to take her place an real soon.

Anna said...

Nope, it was the head teacher (we only had one) that left, and the whole executive has resigned too. So we have NOTHING. No aide because there wasn't one to start with....I am not looking forward to our emergency meeting of the parents tomorrow!!!

Anonymous said...

Totally craptastic Anna! Gotta love it! The drama in the preschool world rivals high school football!